blockchain, BountyHunter, Cryptocurrency, ICO's Review

Loligo World’s first ICO Safety Blockchain

The expansion of capitalism is deeply changing the global economic model. This hasn’t stopped with the major institutions and multinationals that have been created, managed and led through large capitalization; it has exceeded this to become the standard for all startups and medium projects, even individual ones.

With the arrival of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, crowdfunding has taken on a new format: the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) . An ICO is a fundraising method that involves the issuance of tokens on a blockchain independently of a trusted third party. In this case the buyer does not hold a stake in the company, but a token that will allow him to use the service once the final product is developed, with the hope that its value will increase due to demand. This collection has several indisputable risks, however; in addition to any technical flaws, the company may be incompetent or fictitious. The project itself is not immune to a future shutdown or bad management.

Loligo is a decentralized launching platform for ICOs that is fair, peer-to-peer and blockchain-based. Blockchain implements smart contracts permitting a phased release of funds collected for the ICO while, at the same time, a collective right of withdrawal. The token is both mineable and environmentally friendly, consuming little energy thanks to dual mining. Miners can sell the tokens on recognized exchanges, and individuals will be able to use them to participate in fundraising, including those affiliated with the ICOSafe program. A range of services is available to facilitate governmental adoption of ICOs. The platform is open source and free.

What is LOLIGO

LOLIGO is the most secure and most exceptional ICO crowdfunding stage. It Offers token creation through LCC keen contracts. It guarantees a reasonable reserve circulation in view of developments and members’ vote. LOLIGO stage offers all the required instruments for a fruitful and expert ICO. LOLIGO safeguards an ideal similarity with Ethereum wallets and brilliant contracts and offers adaptable interoperability with Ethereum Dapps. It follows up on three principle levels: Trading, Funding and Services.

Loligo Solution

ICOs are facing two main issues

1- Security of Funds: Investors participating in ICO fundraising campaign does not have any contôl on funds once the ICO is finished. Many risks can happened while the funds are totally allocated to the funder: technical flaws, fictitious project, bad management, unexpected shutdown.

2- Professional Process: despite the fact that ICO fundraising have been practiced for several years, the ICO process is remaining the same. A centralized application or a smart contract launched in all purpose blockchain, coded without any standards and without any intelligent tools. The quality of service and support still poor.

LOLIGO Cryptocurrency and LOLIGO Professional Ecosystem is a blockchain based platform, accessible online or via smartphone app, that makes the lives of funders easier, give investors full control on ICO collected funds by the mean of periodic vote, and offers a wide range of professional services for funders, startups, and administration.

LOLIGO Features

What opportunities will the authors of ICO and investors have:

  • ICO development unit. Allows you to create, edit and publish your development on the Bladder. The LOLIGO blockbuster ( ) is specially adapted for ICO projects on Blochein.
  • Online service for managing the ICO campaign through an intuitive graphical wizard, offering classic dashboard functions and much more. Also the possibility of advertising both inside the site and on the side.
  • A trading platform that contains an ICO list and allows the direct purchase of tokens. It presents reliable ICO. Simple investors will be able to invest in a particular project, and developers are provided with a stable inflow of finance.
  • Each ICO will be checked by site experts manually, but using the standards developed for this.
  • Exchanger. Here you change the cue balloons, ethers and so on the domestic currency and tokens of companies. This option is available through a personal Smart wallet.
  • A purse from which you can buy tokens presented by ICO on the site, and also allows you to store LCC tokens. There is also a function of voting for or against a particular project.

How it Works

Token info

Token LLG
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20

PreICO price 1 LLG = 0.002 ETH
Price in ICO 1 LLG = 0.003 ETH


Pre-sale, 01/08-01/09 2018 30%
Tokens for sale 11,200,000

Investment info

Accepting ETH,Fiat
Distributed in ICO 70%

Soft cap 950,000 USD
Hard cap 12,000,000 USD




Our advisors


For mor infoormation about the project and its ICO, please follow any of the channels;

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Forum Username : olitaptapan
Forum Profile link :;u=1566451
wallet address 0x4832C1D8352841b26577695dEc7B741187D5d1fA

#Loligo #LoligoICO #ico #icopresale #eth #ethfork #blockchain #ethereum #daico #smartcontract #CryptoScamStop #cryptotrader #crwodfunding #cryptocurrencyinvestments #cryptonews

blockchain, BountyHunter, Cryptocurrency, ICO's Review

GigTricks An Integrated 360° Freelance & On-Demand Ecosystem

About GigTricks

GigTricks is a company to form reasonable connections in building blockchain-based ecosystems to increase the trust of clients and freelancers, Gibraltar was chosen to be created as a result of understanding that jurisdiction turned secret.

GigTricks offers solutions Every action, such as review and capability evaluation, will be confirmed by the participants on the blockchain that cannot be changed and therefore, nothing can be falsified in the ecosystem. The GigTricks platform aims to assist in the struggle against global decline by creating wide or many opportunities for talented people so that they can only find shows, work at home, and create income so that they can invest in their customers’ needs to produce true economic expansion

Freelance and on-demand economics are the standard principles for forming business relationships that trust each other between clients and freelancers. In order to overcome this problem, GigTricks has built a blockchain-based ecosystem to increase transparency, trust, and reliability among platform participants. Every action including a review and ranking of skills will be verified on a blockchain that cannot be changed. Thus, nothing can be forged in the ecosystem.

GigTricks aims to create a freelance 360 ​​° and the world’s first on-demand ecosystem that will be trusted by millions of people. In the end, we have built the GigTricks platform to help fight the global recession by creating unlimited opportunities for talented individuals so they can find gigs, work from home.

Vision and mission

Company Tricks – Efforts to create a truly updated, futuristic freelance platform version in its ability to offer opportunities, minimize risks, and create a winning scenario for all stakeholders.

Gigtrick’s Vision Project – They plan to be true. This vision can become a reality because it creates a decent, affordable and inexpensive freelance platform that will benefit from as many countries as possible!

GigTricks Security Feature


GigTricks ecosystem

GigTricks ecosystem structure is designed to be very scalable to ensure its flexibility. This only shows that freelancers will have the ability to sell/advertise their goods or services on the web or offline as part of their ecosystem. For example, digital marketers can develop and provide market or product classes or services on the offline or online GigTricks platform (ie located). Freelancers can get payments through GigTricks encrypted cards called Gigbit cards (GBTC).

The Social Platform GigTricks intends to allow users to create GigBit tokens just by publishing or viewing social content. Tokken GigBit can be used as a payment method to test additional abilities at GigTricks Teachers or to get premium services such as GigTricks Learning that will want to allow consumers to learn additional skills.

GigTricks Token Statistik

Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20

Price Pre ICO1 GBTC = 0,124 USD
Price in ICO 1 GBTC = 0,248 USD

Investment info

Min. investasi 100 USD
Accepted ETH, BTC, Fiat
Distribution in ICO 25%

Soft cap 2,500,000 USD
Hard cap 35,000,000 USD


JUN 2016


SEP 2016

Start Development

FEB 2017

Company Formation

OCT 2017

GigTricks Fiat Marketplace Website Launch (Beta Version)

DEC 2017

GigTricks Fiat Marketplace Website Launch (Operational Version)

FEB – MAR 2018

GigTricks Fiat Marketplace iOS and Android Apps Launch

MAR 2018

Achieved 10,000+ Supporters

APR – MAY 2018

Private Sale

JUN 2018


JUL – AUG 2018


Q4 2018

List GBTC on Exchanges and GigTricks Marketplace Beta Launch (blockchain module)

Q4 2018

GigTricks iOS and Android Apps Beta Launch (blockchain module)

Q1 2019

GigTricks Learning Launch

Q1 2019

GigTricks Pro Launch

Q2 2019

GigTricks Social Launch

Q2 2019

GigTricks Point of Sale (PoS) Launch

Q2 2019

GigTricks Advertising Network

Q3 2019

GigTricks Local Representation Offices in 20+ Countries

Q4 2019

Further Improvements for Usability, Functionalities, Web & Mob Platforms

Q4 2019

Celebrate Over 2M user base and on going Global Customer Acquisition on Large Scale

To get more info, please visit some of the sites below:



Forum Username: olitaptapan
Forum Profile link:;u=1566451
wallet address 0x4832C1D8352841b26577695dEc7B741187D5d1fA

#gigtricks #ICO #Blockchain #cryptocurrency #presale #TokenSale #startup#BountyCampaign #Investment #Exchange #Crowdfunding #Bitcoin

blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO's Review

playgame – Decentralized, Global and Universal VirtualGame Token

PlayGame dan Tokenomy dengan bangga mengumumkan kolaborasi game pertama kami! Tim PlayGame telah membuat game baru “TEN to the Moon” yang menampilkan Oscar Darmawan – CMO Tokenomy sebagai karakter permainan.

Apa itu Token PlayGame (PXG)

Sederhananya, adalah platform permainan direct-to-play di mana siapa pun dapat bermain secara gratis, bersaing dengan teman-teman dan memenangkan hadiah. Tanpa perlu mendownloads. Untuk distribusi global hadiah kolam renang, kami menggunakan teknologi blockchain.

Blockchain memungkinkan kami untuk menyediakan remitensi lintas batas untuk deposit, penarikan, dan pencairan hadiah pool kompetisi. Kami membuat token cryptocurrency kami sendiri yang disebut PXG untuk melakukan hal itu.

Misi kami

Misi kami adalah membantu para gamer, pengembang game, wirausahawan, investor, pengiklan, dan orang-orang yang antusias dengan cryptocurrency yang mempunyai pikiran masa depan dengan mengkonversi ide permainan mereka menjadi permainan yang bisa berfungsi penuh yang dapat dinikmati oleh jutaan orang terlepas dari lokasi, asal, perangkat game mereka atau status sosial ekonomi. Kami memiliki peta jalan dan produk yang berfungsi dan akan mulai beroperasi pada bulan Oktober 2018.

Kami telah bermitra dengan pengembang game di seluruh dunia untuk membuat game mereka tersedia untuk dimainkan secara gratis di

Pengembang game ini sekarang dapat memasuki pasar mata uang cryptocurrency senilai 300 miliar dolar. Jadi jika Anda seorang pengembang game yang tertarik untuk bermitra, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui email di


Kami berkomitmen dalam menciptakan ekosistem permainan yang sehat, inklusif dan transparan yang bermanfaat bagi pengembang game, penerbit, dan juga para gamer itu sendiri.

Manfaat untuk penerbit game/pengembang

  • Open source SDK, mudah digunakan dengan dompet terintegrasi
  • Monetisasi langsung ke pengguna, tidak ada biaya gatekeeper dan pembagian hasil keuntungan
  • Memberdayakan game untuk menggunakan cryptocurrency dalam ekonomi game mereka
  • Jangan khawatir tentang penipuan, Tidak membayar, dan masalah gerbang pembayaran lainnya karena semuanya dibangun di atas teknologi blockchain
  • Akses penuh ke platform crowdfunding kami (FunFund Initiative)

Manfaat untuk gamer

  • Dapatkan hadiah token saat bermain game
  • Kontrol penuh atas kepemilikan barang virtual
  • Pembelian dalam game dengan Token PXG
  • Gandakan token Anda dengan memasukkan turnamen dan melihat token Anda
  • Berdagang PXG token dalam pertukaran didukung secara global


Bagaimana cara berpartisipasi?

Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah bermain “TEN to the Moon” game dari 27 Agustus 4PM (GMT + 8 ) – Sept 09 4PM (GMT + 8 )

Info Token

PXG dapat dibeli dengan Bitcoin, Ethereum, dan Tokenomy. Silakan lihat jadwal di bawah ini untuk lebih jelasnya. Hanya PXG (1 Milyar PXG) yang akan didistribusikan.

Token PXG
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20

Harga sebelum ICO 1 PXG = 0,000055
Harga ETH di ICO 1 PXG = 0,0000667 ETH


Pra-ICO, September 2018 20%
Jumlah token yang dijual 600.000.000

Pra Token Sale
Capped 200,000,000 PXG
1 ETH = 18,000 PXG
10 September 2018 pukul 03:00 PM UTC + 7

Token Sale
Capped di 400,000,000 PXG
1 ETH = 15,000 PXG
24 September 2018 pukul 03:00 PM UTC + 7

Info investasi

Menerima ETH
Didistribusikan di ICO 60%

Peta jalan

Oktober 2018
Fully working demo website on Ethereum testnet, Open-source SDK alpha phase.

Januari 2018
Account services, wallet and trust protocol, Crypto payment gateway launch, SDK in beta phase.

Q2 2019 platform soft launch, PXG wallet and smart contract implementation SDK released. Game developer beta outreach.

Q3 2019 public global launch, PXG virtual vending machine, international expansion focusing on Japan and China.

Siapa saja di belakang PlayGame

Tim kami termasuk veteran di industri startup Indonesia terkemuka. Kami sangat berpengalaman dan telah berhasil melaksanakan berbagai strategi bisnis.

Kami didukung dan telah memiliki hubungan jangka panjang dengan perusahaan-perusahaan Modal Ventura terkemuka. Lulus dari universitas bergengsi, kami adalah tim berpengalaman yang telah mengumpulkan jutaan unduhan dan pendapatan. Kami sekarang fokus untuk menjadikan sebagai taman bermain Crypto-Arcade terbesar di dunia, yang akan bermanfaat bagi para pengembang game, penerbit, dan kerumunan penggemar kripto.



#its.playgame #GameDevelopment #ICO #Blockchain #cryptocurrency #presale #TokenSale #startup #BountyCampaign #Investment #Exchange #Crowdfunding

Untuk informasi lengkap, silakan ikuti tautan di bawah ini



Forum Username: olitaptapan
Forum Profile link:;u=1566451
wallet address 0x4832C1D8352841b26577695dEc7B741187D5d1fA

blockchain, BountyHunter, Cryptocurrency, ICO's Review

Bitgoals-Sports Token Protocol – The First Smart Contract Bet on BitGoals


In the 21st century, everyone is a fan of a sport, either football, basketball or car race. However, the sports lovers often look for a way to proof their trust for their desired team and one of the way is through betting. But unfortunately, the players do have problems with bookmaker companies and this causes them to lose their money easily. As a result of this, bitgoals has come to set things right in the sports sector.

About BitGoals

The Blосkсhаin dоmаin hаѕ bесоmе inсrеаѕinglу rеlеvаnt since the lаunсh of Bitсоin аnd other cryptocurrencies. Thе growing demand for thе adoption of the Technology of Blockchain соntinuеѕ аnd will continue аѕ nеw ideas еntеr the mаrkеt dаilу. Thе Blосkсhаin hаѕ thе роtеntiаl to disrupt and reshape many induѕtriеѕ.

As the names suggest, BitGoals is the combination of cryptocurrencies with goals — Either by the sports term or simply by achieving a special goal. That goal is to change the sports world and create a brand new platform.

Bitgoals is a cryptocurrency that will be the ultimate standard in the sports arena — Every site will switch and adapt to that change, and create a bigger and better market in all aspects.

Why BitGoals?
There are many sports betting services, but none of them offer a united community, a solution that will effect current sports platforms, that will serve as a currency for all the sports and gaming services and products, and doesn’t have a team that stood behind many projects and can give the experience and knowledge to create the ultimate experience which is BitGoals.

The BITGOALS solutions
This system comes up with solutions by first removing the listed problems by decentralized tech. Through the use of block-chain efficiency, the players are eligible to various benefits without any risks factors because all operations are carried out in transparency and the payouts are quick and trustworthy. The middlemen has no part in this system as the players are the determinant of their fate in this system.

Bitgoals provides a set of pre-built modules that cover all aspects of sport activities.

Using Bitgoals tools and framework, developers and companies can assemble a section of pre-built modules and build their own custom applications.

  • STP (Sports Token Protocol) is the token used on the Bitgoals platform. The token acts as:
  • Sports gaming and betting currency;
  • Reward;
  • Method of payment;
  • Incentive that powers the Bitgoals economy.

Operators will be able to use Bitgoals tools to assemble modules that meet their needs.
Bitgoals allows users to connect to all games via one simple platform.

How Can I Support BitGoals?
Supporting us is easy – Join our Token Sale and get your STP token at a great price. After that, you’re more than welcome to share our platform with your friends and make sure to get them in the sports world revolution.

The Bitgoals Token

Bitgoals token also known to be Sports Token Protocol (STP) will be used to carry out all the activities on the platform such as gaming, betting, rewarding winners, buying tickets, trading goods. It can also be easily converted into Bitcoin, Ethereum for instant rewards.

• The Bitgoal token is a can be used to place bets in the platform
• The tokens would be used to reward players and used as incentives.
• The tokens can be used to purchase tickets to sporting events.
• The Bitgoal tokens can be used to purchase sporting merchandise.
• The Bitgoal token can be used to set up fantasy teams in the platform.

Token details

Name Bitgoals
Ticker STP
Type Utility-token

Accepted Currencies ETH BTC BCH

Token distribution

50% – Group Stage
35% – Round of 16
25% – Quarter finals
20% – Semi finals
10% – Finals

Funds allocation

40% – Marketing
25% – Development
15% – Partners
10% – Business Development
5% – Legal
5% – Founders

Bitgoals Team


Bitgoals Partners

This project will bring back life and passion into the sport system by this awesome idea that they possesses.

#Bitgoals #ICO #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #presale #TokenSale#startup #BountyCampaign #Investment #Exchange #Crowdfunding

To find out more about Bitgoals and how you can join this revolutionary platform, kindly check the link below:



Forum Username: olitaptapan
Forum Profile link:;u=1566451
wallet address 0x4832C1D8352841b26577695dEc7B741187D5d1fA

blockchain, BountyHunter, Cryptocurrency, ICO's Review

DESICO Part.3 – Welcome to the World of Security Tokens


Crypto-currencies, and, in fact, bitcoin, are actively developing, which entails irreversible economic changes. Many have heard that cryptocurrency is a modern financial tool, but not everyone understands exactly what tokens are and why they are so important. Tokens are a specific type of e-currency, companies that are going to launch their own ICO, use them to further develop the project and attract new investors. But carrying out ICO is quite a complicated process, which requires a special approach – it is necessary to provide every detail to make it really successful. Today this segment faces many difficulties.


Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are gaining in popularity very quickly. This technology is going to have a profound impact on society in the future with mass adoption of the technology. Currently, many initial coin offerings are for utility tokens. These types of tokens do not give a person any ownership in the company, rather they are an accepted form of payment for use within their platforms. They operate on the basis that price should rise in the future based on supply and demand for the token. The other type of tokens that can be offered for sale are security tokens. There are very few companies issuing security tokens due to many legal complications. Security tokens can pay out dividends and give ownership to token buyers. As an investor myself, I much prefer to invest in security tokens. These types of tokens are quite similar to the traditional purchase of stock. Security tokens can give rights to company assets, the right to voting, and more.

DESICO is going to operate a platform and ecosystem for companies to issue security tokens while being fully compliant with laws. This should pave the way for making it much easier for companies to launch security tokens instead of utility tokens. With the help of DESICO, hopefully, security tokens can really start to gain in popularity among people holding token sales. There is a huge potential market for this type of service. DESICO aims to provide a low cost and fair solution for businesses to raise capital. Within the DESICO ecosystem, a utility token will be used to act as a payment method. Token holders will also receive priority when it comes to purchasing new security tokens. The company is registered in Lithuania and will be fully legally compliant.

DESICO will help businesses with many aspects of launching a security token. They will provide support for organizing a company, preparing initial coin offering documentation, marketing, and technical support. Businesses will have this support throughout the fundraising process, and then their tokens will have an immediate listing on the platform. DESICO estimates that the cost for launching an ICO on their platform will be about a third of the cost when compared to using other services. The DESI token is the utility token that will be used on the DESICO platform to pay for services and investment purchases. Within the DESICO ecosystem, they will have their own exchange. This will allow for the immediate listing of new security tokens once fund raising has been completed. This is a great feature of the ecosystem, because often times new tokens have trouble getting listed on exchanges. It can also be quite costly to get a new token listed on a major exchange. This solution offered by DESICO is great for small businesses.


What exactly could prevent the ICO from carrying out:

  • When buying tokens, almost all people want to become full-fledged investors in a “promising project.” They want to control all the activities of the company, manage its assets. But the reality is much more pragmatic – the owners of the tokens can only use their currency, no total control is provided.
  • Fraud. Today, there are many examples of how the ICO was simply a screen, scammers raised funds from investors and disappeared. No one can guarantee full-fledged security in this segment.
  • Transactions are carried out too slowly, many customers do not want to face additional time costs.
    Key components of this ecosystem

Key components of this ecosystem


The team of talented professionals who decided to create a decentralized DESICO platform analyzed the current situation in order to find the best way to solve problems. DESICO is a unique platform, it is here that you can conduct ICO, adhering to all existing standards – no scammers, fake tokens and other problems. The platform focuses on investment tokens – why is this direction chosen? It’s all about the specifics of such tokens – owners get much more rights, while tokens need competent protection.

The goal of the developers is to create a secure decentralized platform that will allow transactions with Security Tokens to be performed at the proper level without risks and problems.

What will the DESICO ecosystem be ?

The developers are aimed at truly global scales – they are going to create a decentralized platform that will allow the rapid release of certain tokens. Buyers will be able to purchase them without fear of the possibility of encountering scammers – developers use all the advantages of the blockchain to level the existing problems.Built-in exchanger.

The presence of its own regulated exchanger will allow safe and high-quality implementation of all necessary transactions. No intermediaries and search for other sites, customers will be able to work inside the platform.Electronic means. Customers will have the opportunity to buy cryptocurrency, using not only tokens, but also fiat funds. It is very convenient and practical, given the current realities.No problems with the law. Here it will be possible to create tokens that fully comply with all existing legal standards.

At the same time, the clients of the project will be able to avoid problems with scammers.Community. Publishers of security tokens, project investors, buyers – all of them will become part of a huge community built on the features of the blockchain.

Token info

Token DESI
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
Price in ICO 1 DESI = 0.08 USD
Tokens for sale 410,000,000

Investment info

Accepting ETH
Distributed in ICO 51%

Soft cap 3,500,000 USD
Hard cap 32,000,000 USD

Distribution token

DESICO will sell 51% of total token supplies during the crowdsale event. DESICO tokens that will not be put into money. The tokens allocated to the team will have a 12 month lock-up period.


2015 Q3
DESICO core team establishes p2p lending platform. Key features: real time bidding, automated investments, secondary market, user friendly interface.

2017 Q1
DESICO core team launches crowdfunding platform for businesses.

2017 Q3
DESICO core team receives E-money license.

2018 Q1
DESICO core team – becomes a member of the ICO regulatory development team, setup by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania.

2018 Q2
Formation of developers team. Promoting the platform among blockchain community.

2018 Q2/Q3
DESICO Tokensale.

2019 Q2
Launch of Security ICO platform – Beta version.

2019 Q3
Launch of payment system for Crypto/fiat.

2019 Q4
Launch of built-in exchange.
Opening of office in Amsterdam and Berlin.

2020 Q4
Launch of Security ICO platform – full version.


The DESICO core team project has experience in developing a platform for community mobilization, and thus can develop clear development plans and set realistic goals for the project. debut of DESICO. Below we list a summary of the major steps completed before the DESECO token and the planned development schedule in the future. Our goal is to launch a fully operational platform within 20 months of completing the DENI Token sales event. Key platform functionality will be available for early user testing in beta, which we expect to launch within 6 months of the token sales event. While DESICO will initially be based in Lithuania, we intend to expand and set up offices in other European countries.



The developers are confident that the DESICO decentralized platform will become a truly successful project. Now they are doing everything to attract investors, raise funds, to implement the plan. The project is a unique solution – security and speed of transactions, here are its main features. Lithuanian developers have created a roadmap to show potential investors the main stages of work on the project. At the same time, they expect to collect the necessary amount of funds to quickly launch their own ICO. To make sure that the project is really experienced professionals, you can consider their other offspring – Draugas.It. This is a social network that is based on the blockchain and guarantees maximum protection for its customers.

#desico #ICO #Blockchain #cryptocurrency #presale #TokenSale #startup #BountyCampaign #Investment #Exchange #Crowdfunding

for more information please follow the link below

Website :
Whitepaper :


Forum Username : olitaptapan
Forum Profile link :;u=1566451